Wednesday, March 22, 2017

23rd March, 2017

Dear Parents,
Please pay attention to the following concerns:
·         We request the parents to submit an application prior to the exam weeks/ days if their child wants to leave the school early. In case of emergency, they can submit the application in white paper.
·         The dates for make-up exams are 27th, 28th and 29th March, 2017. The notice is already sent, but still some parents are calling to the office for the modifying the exam date, which effects the normal flow of work in the office.
·         Parents are requested to use moderate language while talking to any staff of our school.
·         Collecting Late Slip is now mandatory for the students who are late for school. Late slips are to be collected from Supervisor, Ms. Shahida Azim, or in her absence, from Deputy Head, Mr. Satilmis.
·         Early leave for any reason even for clubs, parent’s submission of application is necessary. In case of emergency, parents can also e- mail to .
·         Some students are waiting too long after school. Parents are requested to pick up their child on time to avoid any undesirable incident.
We hope you will follow the above mentioned rules for the betterment of our school management/ environment.
Ismail AKBAS

Head of Section

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Play group bee children are doing craft work on umbrella

Nursery yellow students made a card for Independence Day

Nursery Green💚 children had a class work on bag👜

Nursery Green 💚 children made cards for the Independence Day!

Children of Nursery Red made a card for the 'Independence Day'

The winners of 'Question of the Week ' were announced in the assembly. They were Faraz Tasneed Islam from KG-2 Robin, Mohammed Nazat from KG-2 Dove, Afsin Hossain Anas from KG-2 Nightingale This week's question was 'What's the national animal of Bangladesh?'

Monday, March 20, 2017

Notice for Preschool

play group children have made a card on day & night

Play group bee children are writing 1-4 on board and doing activity with numbers

Nursery yellow students made a craft on hat

Nursery Red children drew 'My Teacher' in their drawing class

Nursery Green💚 children had a class work on hat🎩

Children of Nursery Red wrote 'hat' on a hat

Children of Nursery Red wrote 'bag' on a bag