Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Project presentation of class 1

Recently a project presentation was performed by the students of Class -1 of ITHS. In the project, the students embodied themselves as flowers and leaves.
Girls & boys adorned themselves with flowers and leaves respectively. They made different kind of ornaments such as crown, necklace using flowers and leaves.  They featured Hibiscus, Marigold, Orchid, Rose, Water lily and other flowers.

 This project presentation of Class -1 was highly appreciated as it was their first project and students of the class also enjoyed it to the bits.

Monday, November 5, 2012

   Int’l Turkish Hope School (ITHS) extended its helping hand to deprived populace during Eid-ul-Azha by distributing sacrificial meat in different cities of the country.
   The Principal of the school Mr. Bedrettin Suata said that: We see Eid-ul-Azha as a time to extend a helping hand to our needy brethren. As ITHS we try to evaluate Eid time as an opportunity to help the people who are most in need. Therefore as we have done for last 16 years, we arranged Qurbani cattle of which all their meat to be distributed to needy people in many districts and villages.

Eid Greetings!

Oh! Eid day is coming! Children of Nursery and Playgroup were in hurry to make card to greet their principal, Vice principal, Head of Section and parents. Here is the card. Isn’t very colorful?


Fun Day of Playgroup and Nursery

Children of Playgroup and Nursery decided to have a break. So they planned to have a fun day (picnic). It was 18th of October, 2012. Then the whole day it was Fun! Fun! And F…U…N!!! Games and having food along with friends is really fun.

ITHS Playgroup and Nursery children had fun together, played different games like musical chair, tag of war and statue dance.

They enjoyed the day as it was a special day for them. Special food, drinks, candy, gift – everything they got, nothing left.
Look at their eyes you can easily see how much fun they got together in school. They felt great having such a wonderful day full of fun and surprise. Wow! What a day!!!!!